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Gwen Miller Berkeley Hills Road Race

My race report- BHRR the group of 50 women of all categories starting together wasn't ideal. So many riders biking all over the place on the poorly paved SPDR and we took the entire lane so it was nearly impossible to move up. My friend felicity was forced over a large crack and ended up denting her race wheel, and another rider crashed behind us. I was frustrated so on momma bear I tried and succeeded in breaking up the group but then I exhausted myself so I dropped myself from the lead group. I think if I didn't have "heath stuff" going on I would have been able to keep pushing... anyways we then had a group of maybe 7 of us. Very disorganized and I tried to get a pace line going so the people behind us wouldn't catch back on. This failed as only 2/3 of us were willing to pull. So about 5 more women caught us. Then it was back to nobody wanted to pull and the group taking up the whole lane with me in the back. So I'm like f*ck it I'm going to sit on the rest of the time because I know I can beat most of them up papa bear. And then papa bear came and I beat all but one junior, so I got 9/50 but 3rd for cat 3s. WAY better than I expected. I can't believe I podiumed! Only two cat 4 racers beat me too.


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